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Surveymeter Gamma-Scout

Update Terakhir
27 / 06 / 2023
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Rp. 20.000.000
A. Perdagangan Alat-Alat Proteksi Radiasi, : Surveymeter, TLD, Pendose, Shielding Pb, dll

B. Jasa Pengurusan Ijin Alat Radiasi BAPETEN, : Ijin Impor, Pengalihan, Pemanfaatan, Perpanjangan

C. Jasa lain-lain, : Kalibrasi Alat Ukur Radiasi, Sertifikasi Bebas Radiasi dan Kontaminasi, Uji kebocoran, tes Usap, Survey dan Analisis NORM dan TENORM

Detail Surveymeter Gamma-Scout

Survey Meter Digital Gamma Scout

Alat ukur paparan radiasi buatan jerman ini sangat cocok untuk digunakan pertambangan, rumah sakit maupun industri yang menggunakan teknik fotofluorografi, gauging, radiografi atau x-ray dalam prosesnya.

Alat ukur ini multi fungsi, selain bisa digunakan untuk mengukur laju dosis bisa juga digunakan untuk mengukur dosis akumulatif

Berikut spesifikasi-nya :

Display Liquid-crystal display (LCD), 4-digit, numeric with description,
quasi-analogue logarithmic bar chart
Operating mode indicators
Radiation Detector End-window counting tube to the Geiger-Müller principle
Stainless steel housing Measuring length 38.1 mm,
measuring diameter 9.1 mm Mica window 1.5 to 2 mg/cm2
Zero rate <10 pulses per minute with screening by 3mm AI
and 50 mm Pb operating temperature -20 to +60°C,
operating voltage approx. 450 V calibrated scale 0.01 μSv/h
to 5,000.00 μSv/h (above and below this, we refer to as the
“display area”)
Radiation Types
a from 4 MeV
ß from 0.2 MeV
y from 30 keV
Selection shield
(for point radiation)
a + ß + y without shielding
ß + y AI foil approx. 0.1 mm, shields a completely
y Al shield approx. 3 mm, shields a completely and
ß to 2 MeV, weakens y by less than 7%
based on Cs-137
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